“Three Things”…

“Three Things”
There are three things to hold at a beach;

a towel to keep you dry,

a book to send you far away,

and a hand to keep you close.

This came up in a dream of mine last year around this time on May 24th 2013. There were other bars to this poem but sadly I had forgotten them when I woke up. Nonetheless it was one of the most peaceful experiences that I have had while dreaming.

Shoot the messenger

And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come. Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.’ But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them.
– Matthew 22:1-6

This parable mirrors a true event in the days of King David’s reign (see 2 Samuel 10). When the neighboring Ammonite’s king had passed, David said, “I will deal loyally with Hanun the son of Nahash (the dead Ammonite king), as his father dealt loyally with me.” David then sends his servants to console Hanun, but the princes of the Ammonite land spoke lies of David’s intentions…they deal shamefully with David’s servants and send them back with torn garments.

Why is this important?
Lets look at the parallels within these two stories:
– Both kingdoms have good natured kings.
– Both worlds have wicked people bent against the king.
– Both cases involve the mistreatment of their king’s servants…humiliation, rejection, even death.
– Both stories involve an open hand of friendship.
– Both endings resolve poorly for those who oppose the goodness and servanthood of their king.

As a servant of the King, I must recognize that the kindness and message that I hold is not always received well. Rejection is common for the servant of The Most High. I may often be misunderstood, may often be abused, shamed, possibly even killed. But my King leads an everlasting Kingdom, whose rule will never end…it is in this King that I may hope for a day of vindication, a day of rule and justice. Ultimately the balances are held within the hand of my Lord…I trust He will do what is Just, and True…for He is a Just God.

Lord today I struggle, and I feel agitated and anxious. Meet your servant here, recenter my heart to your purpose. I fear I am so far from your love.

The fire shall not go out

Fire shall be kept burning on the alter continually; it shall not go out.
– Leviticus 6:13

The Lord provided a place where men might be made right with God. It is here at the alter where we see the sevarity of our sin; but also the God who provides, the God who forgives, the God who is greater than sin.
I believe this alter burns for two reasons:
1) Because of our proclivity towards sin, man will continually need to return…ancient sacrifices were not an end all, it simply covered over sin. This however, was completed through Christ’s death: the perfect sacrifice.
2) Because of the nature of who God is, He desires man to be close to him…the fire burns on this alter as an open hand of friendship and forgiveness.

Though the method of sacrifice has changed from the many imperfect coverings, to now, the perfect sacrifice found in Christ, God has not. He does not change and His heart still desires that I would be drawn close to Him. His open hand of friendship and forgiveness is now found through Christ. Sacrifice has also changed in this way: That I would be made blameless, a living sacrifice, coming to the realization of why his words burn within. This HolyScripture given to us is the fire of a sanctified life…a life of righteousness before God through Christ; through this fire we may look more and more like His Son. It is through this Holy Scripture that we are made holy (set apart) for our awesome God.

Father in this season of time you feel distant, yet I know that you are present…you are with me. Help me not to lean on my own understanding of who you are and what you are doing. Burn my preconceived notions of you and sanctify me with your words. Be near me my dear friend, speak to me for times grow dark.
– Bryan

Looking like Judas

Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”

ESV Notes:
Judas’ feelings of remorse and his attempt to return the blood money are recorded only by Matthew. “Changed his mind” (Greek, metamelomai) Judas experienced feelings of regret and remorse, but this is less than “repentance” (Greek, metanoia) which means a change of heart.

Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples, a close friend; the treasure holder, a leader, and one of the twelve pillars of Jesus’ ministry. Judas the rebel, now leader in ministry messes up…big time. Instead of truly changing his heart, he chooses to live in regret and guilt, finding he cannot live with it for long; realizing he put the life of one who truly loved him at stake. This leads to his suicide.

Truthfully, Judas was not more responsible for the death of Christ than any of the other disciples…so why do we treat him as enemy #2? Casting blame on this man removes us from the mirror; the reflection that paints us within the same form, within the very colors of this Judas. In truth, we are as guilty, as twisted, as untrustworthy as this Judas. And the enemy of our souls would use the same trappings, the very same devices and designs on us.

‘This man is not my king’ he would whisper…taking agreement that Jesus has not truly freed me, or removed my problems which line up like a Roman platoon. ‘Neither has this man lead me to victory.’ True I would reply, and my enemies are alive and well, what happened to “Vengence is mine?” ‘I should do something about this, take matters in my own hands, be the good guy, play the hero for once.’ Yes, following this man does not win me any popularity contests, in fact I even find myself on the fringe of those I call my friends.

Then matters become our burden to lift; and rightfully so, we know what needs to happen, we can meet our needs. Our actions become blurred as the deed is done, hours passing as seconds, betrayal as swift as an arrow, hitting its mark with such precision. The moment then hits us as we realize the transaction paid, the look of betrayal played back through our minds, each second as an hour as guilt permeates within our core.

What have I done?

How many times have I known this place, the times spent betraying the one who cares for me the most. Guilt and regret, I know them well; however, repentance is a better friend, albeit one I spend the least amount of time with. But repentance is a rich friendship. It reconnects me with the ones I love. It turns me aside and walks me down a path tread with my knees. Though I may be in leadership, though I may find myself a friend of God, though I may take part in raising a ministry…and blow it…though I may look like a Judas, I become more and more like Jesus though repentance. Being conformed into his image, and not my own.

Lord your kindness leads me to repentance. I thank you for your loving kindness. Transform my heart, lead me to turn from my ways, call me into this life anew. May repentance become my good friend, not just a casual acquaintance. I trust you are my king. You have freed me. I trust we will face my enemies together. I trust in your victory. I trust that you are an avenger. In you I find my peace, my friendships, and true love. To you I give my burdens, to you I bring my needs, knowing that you have my best interest in mind. Thank you Lord that I no longer need to claim control.

Comfort too resides

I have heard many such things; miserable comforters are you all. Shall windy words have an end? Or what provokes you that you answer? – Job 16:2,3

Job’s friends aren’t really good friends. Their roles as comforters do not suit them well. While they intended to comfort, they lacked ears to hear or eyes to be truly aware of the situation…not knowing what to say, they rely upon their own understanding and knowledge to “lecture” their friend. Ultimately Job knows where his vindication comes from…he knows of his injustice and the perfect Judge who sets matters straight.

Sometimes my friends just need me to listen…there are a great many things that I do not understand, nor is my place to try and give answer. The Holy Spirit is known as a comforter. As one who has the Spirit inside them, comfort too resides. Though I may be more blunt than others in my words, I trust that the Spirit of God within me is greater than my brokenness. I trust that Gods comfort is greater than my potential for scorning sharp words.

To turn the tables, I too have found myself in situations like Job…with crummy friends as comforters or advisors. Perhaps I have been found with even worse friends; I have ones who see my life as competition, being told to my face that they would intentionally not pray for me when I came through rough situations, hoping that I would stumble and be on an equal level (their words, not mine). Others lie to me, ridiculing me especially over the boundaries I have set over my life, being called immature, considered not a man for not compromising. These words and actions of others still hurt me to this day. But, my God will vindicate me, both in my situation and in my friendships.

Lord I ask you for good, long lasting, nourishing friendships. Grow me to be a better more comforting friend. Vindicate me, level my enemies, let them prosper no longer. Help my heart not become hard or bitter in the process of life.