Faith: Asking for crumbs

He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.
– Matthew 15:24-28

It’s interesting to note that the term “dogs” here is not meant as an insult, it is rather endearing as it is describing a “little dog,” a domestic additive to the household. This choice in Jesus’ words within this situation pulls away from what is understood on the surface, which could easily be interpreted as annoyance or indifference, but is in fact a moment where Jesus tests the faith of this woman.

While Jesus’ main mission to the nation of Israel stands firm, there are quite a few instances where we find his ministry and healing work in the lives of Gentiles. Looking at the map of where he was in this incident (the district of Tyre and Sidon) it is coincidentally found outside of Jewish jurisdiction. He does this in the case of Samaria as well (where he ministers to the “woman at the well”) stating that he ‘must go through Samaria.’ If Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, set on the purpose of “feeding the sheep of Israel”…why is he found a good thirty miles from the Jewish populace?

ESV notes:
Although God’s plan was to bring salvation first to his chosen Israel and then to Gentiles, he responds to all who call on him in true faith. This Gentile woman’s attitude of humble faith allowed Jesus’ healing ministry to operate.

If I have truly heard the voice of God on certain matters, including marriage, why then do I loose hope? Situations seem to make the world in polar opposite of what I have heard. So what do I do? Do I trust that it was God who has spoken such things? Do I ignore it, waiting to see what happens? This may very well be a testing of my faith. Like this Gentile woman, I will continue to ask for that which my heart desires. I will persistently ask for crumbs.

Lord, strengthen my faith, the hope I have found in you. Help me to hold on to your promises, even when they seem so far. Wrap me in your arms.

Testing desire

In Luke it is recorded of the temptations of Jesus…while most recognize the culmination of the three greater temptation, his testing lasted for all fourty days.
Temptation, though not created by God, is used as a method of testing His children. I am comforted by this; that Christ, even through temptation…was able to live on the other end of his testing.
What scripture can I use to combat the desire for sin in my heart?

Born of Fire

And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’
– Zechariah 13:9

The Lords testing is to prove true the commitment of His people. Will they fold under the pressure, and bend in the heat? Who will they bow to in the midst of a furnace? This third spoken of has mutually committed hearts…ones that reflect and return the love of Christ.

God brings me into extreme heat…quite a few times actually. But, it is through suffering that I am perfected; that my love is made more effective and proven true, steadfast. And in this way others will know who I follow as I love others the way Christ loved me.

Lord disfigure me into the image of Your Son. The old ways of love and affection, would You burn them away…lost in the burning passion of Your loving kindness. Grow my heart that I may edify others in a greater capacity. Bring a greater kindness to surface out of the overflow of Your person within me. Help me to see others the way that You saw me.

Problems Trials and Testing

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.
-James 1:2

In the moments where we are in the race, where everything is good, where we think “we’ve got this” we can be doing everything right then BAM! Problems Trials and Testing (oh my). It is in moments like these where we need to take things slow and process. As a car needs to decelerate before taking a sharp turn; we also need to make a slower pace.

This is a benefit to me in this time of waiting; as my motors need rest I start to appreciate moving in a lower gear. But still in waiting I find myself wanting God to move faster (as in some cases I have been acclimated to a faster pace) but this is the endurance round, where things get hard and sometimes feeling like trudging through a swamp. In all of this I must not jump to conclusions on what God would say or do. Instead I wait patiently for His “Fresh and Organic” voice despite the things that “bug and pester” within the actual waiting.

Lord help me to be patient for your words only. Guide me with your hand to where I need to go in this swampyness. Help me to be more and more like your Son. Amen

A son of God

Then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there by the Devil. For forty days and forty nights he ate nothing and became very hungry.
-Matthew 4:1-2

At this point in time Jesus was to prove who he really is. He was called to be tested to prove true all the words he would speak all the way up to his final testing on the cross.

As I am going through this year God has called me into a time of testing. It truly is a test of my faith and a test of who I really am. Through this time things are going to get really tough and I am going to need to set aside normal and good things, for Jesus this was food. It’s going to be rough but in the end I hope to prove one thing: that I am a son of God and all that comes with it.

Lord help me to push through, help me pursue the life that You have called me to. Help me to prove that I am Yours. Amen