Born of Fire

And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’
– Zechariah 13:9

The Lords testing is to prove true the commitment of His people. Will they fold under the pressure, and bend in the heat? Who will they bow to in the midst of a furnace? This third spoken of has mutually committed hearts…ones that reflect and return the love of Christ.

God brings me into extreme heat…quite a few times actually. But, it is through suffering that I am perfected; that my love is made more effective and proven true, steadfast. And in this way others will know who I follow as I love others the way Christ loved me.

Lord disfigure me into the image of Your Son. The old ways of love and affection, would You burn them away…lost in the burning passion of Your loving kindness. Grow my heart that I may edify others in a greater capacity. Bring a greater kindness to surface out of the overflow of Your person within me. Help me to see others the way that You saw me.

Something Precious

The bellows blow fiercely; the lead is consumed by the fire; in vein the refining goes on, for the wicked are not removed. Rejected silver they are called, for The Lord has rejected them. – Jeremiah 6:29-30

Jeremiah a young man, was called to test his people…an entire nation to undergo the judgement of a youth. The words he speaks burns like fire in order that there might be found some good and pure hearts. But none are found under the reign of Hezekiah’s son. The nation as a whole are found to be as valuable as the common metals of bronze…God wishes to see priceless silver. So this young prophet preaches in vein, though under the directives of God himself.

I am to some lengths called to be a judge. The level of discernment and judgement has been placed within me at a foundational level. But even I am challenged and tested, tried by this scripture to see what lies within…is it precious or common? I find many believers have trouble with judgment, as I do at times. Yet God places judges, those who know the truth, operating out of wisdom, and live with discernment. These are the roles of the prophet and protector. My estimation of my people is not for the sake of criticism but for the end of transformation; by which I become part of the means. I become a consumed fire…the fires of a Holy Spirit burning for an everlasting moment within my heart. Those who reject me do not reject me but the one who sent me. I sometimes have trouble with this rejection, but I lie in peace knowing the fires refine me as well; rejection only pulls me closer to God. May The Lord find what he looks for in my heart, in my family, in his bride…something precious.

Lord I thank you for your refining fires, shape me, purify my heart, let me be as gold and precious silver before your searching eyes. Help me seek out your beauty Lord God. Call my heart to see the precious nature of your being. Amen