Yet equipped

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
– Phillippians 3:12

I am reminded of the passage in Song of Solomon:

“My beloved is mine, and I am his.”

Having reached a good level and advanced maturity, Paul is aware more and more of his “immaturity” or imperfection. He is aware and open about the nature of his heart, yet he presses forward taking one step after the next. In a race, there is much ground to be covered; understanding where you are supposed to be is important to the racer, and the knowledge of placement is balanced with the mindset of completion…of attainment. What a runner races for is equally important as where a runner finds themselves.

I believe this is the balance between faith and works. The call of God is the finish line; it is the call of Christ himself, and a calling to himself! It is “my beloved is mine.” This mindset is what begins our race and what finishes it. This call is balanced with our footwork, our actions, our works, our response to the call of God. It is a good and healthy practice to consistently check in with our progression; are we on track…off track? The great secret to this race is knowing that our coach has taught us well; He has taught us, and equipped us with the techniques to finish well.

So also this is a plea to make this race my own, to make it personal. Knowing my weaknesses and my strengths, all the while utilizing the Spirit to finish in good fashion. It is in His Spirit where I find my strength and in my weakness where I find His strength. My race might not look like another’s and pacing might differ between other’s; and while some race in cars, and I in a boat race, ultimately, I am always equipped for the race I have been placed in…the way that I experience God, the way I make Him my own, and the way I find myself in Him is unique…yet equipped.

Greater workings of the Holy Spirit

The queen of the South will rise up at the judgement with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here.
– Matthew 12:42

ESV notes:
Jesus claims that he is greater than the temple (Matt 12:6), the prophet Jonah (v. 41), and the wise king Solomon. He thus elevates himself and his message of the kingdom to be greater than, and the fulfillment of, the three greatest institutions in Israel – priest, prophet, and king.

If then, that the work and message of Jesus was greater than the work of the Spirit in it’s primal offices – priest, prophet, king…how much greater then is the working of the Holy Spirit within the person of Christ. And if Christ as one man, and we as co-heirs, the children of God operate in the greater work of Christ…fulfilling the will of God for a people; a nation of priestly kings proclaiming kingdom come.

“for greater works will you do.”

Lord, help me partner with your Spirit’s work.

What I do that defines me

You see that faith was active along with his (Abraham’s) works, and faith was completed by his works; and the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham beleived God, and it was counted to him as righteousness” – and he was called a friend of God. – James 2:22,23

ESV notes: “Completed” often means “bring to maturity.” Full-grown and genuine faith is seen in the good deeds it produces.

This is the fruit of faith and the result of the scripture “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6

I am made complete in Christ! Maturity in my faith is tested by evidences of the Spirit’s working in what I do. In watching “Batman Begins” the other day, I came to this scene: Batman/Bruce Wayne speaks saying, “It is not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” While at first I disagreed with his awesome sounding statement…True integrity begins in the heart, true character lies inside…but it must manifest itself externally.

What defines our faith (the great gift God puts inside all of us) is our works…it is what makes faith worth it. For, what if I beleived and made no point of action on what I beleived? My beliefs would be useless thoughts bouncing around in my head. All the more, my maturity is held by the standard of Christ; who, produced the greatest work of all…he gave everything, lived everyday on the missionfield of hearts. He sacrificed his life for mine, that I might give mine too; that another might find him.

Lord help me live this life for others as you did. Engrain in me this mission you have called me to. I thank you for this living, mature, completed work that you have done within me. -Love Bryan

The Dare to (Live) different

(Now all the Athenians and the strangers visiting there used to spend their time in nothing other than telling or hearing something new.) -Acts 17:21

The Athenians seem to hold open minds, but only some had open hearts. Its one thing to be open about new ideas, It is another to live out a lifestyle. Culture these days hold to the same line of thought (Think Different)…whats new, whats popular, different, or the latest fashion. In fact our culture has created a network specifically for hearing, reading, and watching new things (we call it the internet) In the midst of a world seeking new things there are still only some who’s hearts are open to a new life.

Where am I spending my time? If I know that my choices heed results: where are the majority of my choices being made time-wise? This will surely determine what I reap in results. While the study of God’s word is good, if I do not spend more time doing the work of God then all I have gained is more intelligence. It’s like weights at a gym: I can spend a majority of my time learning about muscles and what kind of workout builds certain areas of the body (I could become a great expert). But if it just remains in my head and does not become part of what I do: I loose the opportunity to build strength alongside others or even help train people. Life is not so much about the head, true living starts in the heart. If I truly seek to make a difference I need to (Live) different.

Lord, you have caused us to think different but help your church live different. May you train my hands for your new working among your people. Would you supply me and build strength within me as I do your will. May your kingdom be established in and through our lives. Amen

Gentle Wisdom

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.
-James 3:13

Gentleness; something commonly seen as weakness to this world is the very way that a believer is to live out wisdom. Instead of pursuing accolades gentleness re-routes our path back into the heart of God (for it is the fear of The Lord that is the beginning of wisdom) and in His wisdom He teaches us true gentleness, as it is very much part of His character.

Recognition has always been shoved down my throat in the industry of media (sometimes even within church settings). Self promotion, ambition, POWER. But as a believer I live in a new reality of grace, driven by healers, the gentle, compassionate, and humble. This is the true power I hold to; the passion and love of Christ, who through the wisdom of God laid His life down for others…in gentleness. So I am to do the same, leave the temporal lust for power and embrace living in death through a humble heart, that others might find and latch on to the wisdom of God.

Lord help my mind grasp your gentleness and see not in weakness but in strength; the power of your gentleness and true wisdom found in your arms.

Stirred to Confection

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
-Hebrews 10:24,25

You can have all the best ingredients for the best cookie in the world, but if they are not stirred up you present one of the worst baked deserts known to the history of man. It is the same within the body of Christ. We need to stir up love. It is a well known saying when something is cooked wonderfully and tastes just right that “it was cooked with love”. As much as this is a saying about food, even more so is it true for the gospel. Not only are we to stir but we are called to add love to the body. It was Jesus who said: “By this all men will know that you are my disciples” it is through our love that all men (not just a few) will know who we are and whose kingdom we follow.

It has been (even as Paul has stated) my tendency to neglect meeting with other believers. This needs to change. More and more I need to focus on stirring up those around me so that we can do the good works of the kingdom.

Lord help me in my failings. Build me more and more to stir up others. Amen

Bewitching works

O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing the faith?
-Galatians 3:1-2

Paul brings up a good question…he basically notices the Galatian Church moving more towards legalism and work oriented Theology and says snap out of it! Who has bewitched you!?

I think in the moments that we fall into focusing our lives solely on rules, regulations, the work to be done…in those moments we slip away from our faith and from connection with those who are in the faith. It is so easy to fall back into a life of believing in the work to be done rather than letting the work be to be an overflow of our faith in the Savior.

Lord, help me step out of this in the moments that I replace Your life with a life of work. Let the work get done, but let it be an overflow of Your life. Amen