Greater than who I am

But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” He said, “But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”
– Exodus 3:11-12

The emphasis in this passage is not on the question that goes unanswered; “who am I?” God instead returns with a different reply: “But I will be with you.” The ability to do what God calls of us is independent from our given identity; the invitation to be within holy places is independent of our status; the “knowing” of our cries are independent of a broken past. All of these are possible (ability, invitation, knowing) through God…His presence with us; God with us, Emmanuel.

This knowledge is of great relief and release to me. My identity is not on the table…even though the great question of man / the great question of “me” is, “Who am I?” I can let this question go…I can live with it unanswered knowing a greater question has been answered of me: I am not alone, my God is present…my God is with me.

Lord help me to know your presence well. Open my ears to hear your go de clearly, foster within me a heart of obedience. Purify my heart, make my crooked ways straight…not that I may find my identity in what I do, but that I may find who I am in you…that I may be like you.

Father, I ask for your help with this whole “love” ordeal…I do not know how to navigate such things, or how to approach a beautiful heart. I know that if you are with me in this endeavor, I will do well, and I may find peace in your hands. Teach me how to love well, as you love me, and as you love her. Would your heart for her burn brightly within me…help me to know your love is greater than who I am.

Because He IS

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. – Habakkuk 2:3

Jesus said to them, “Truely, truely, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” – John 8:58

The eternal nature of the words of The Lord lies in who he is. He is eternal, he is true…More so, his words are the absolute personification of love…because he is.

Though time may weather my days, and storms arise in the tides of my existance…I know one thing greater than obsticles, the one who towers over giants (he made the giants by the way) He is the great I AM. Before my fathers, he IS. I will wait on The Lord my salvation…His words will come true.

Lord build my trust in you. Forgive me of my many sins. Cause my hands to profit. May your name reside within my heart forever. Amen

Understanding Humility

But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” This was why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God. – John 5:17-18

Jesus was a man who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped (Phillipians 2:6) I think the reason for this was because at the core He knew who He was. Religion becomes one of man’s greatest enemies; ritual, repetitiveness, dead faith and belief. True religion (pure and undefiled) is that which Jesus exemplifies…visiting the orphan, the widow, meeting people where they are at in a time of affliction, unstained by the world (a Martyr). But corrupted religion unbridled, full of bitter words comes against the working of God.

When I walk in line with the will of God I face war…even from those considered my teammates. I am made righteous by God, this is what I have attained; not of my own doing but by the grace of God. Therefore I have nothing to boast in except that which I can take credit for: my weakness, failings, times where I find myself paralyzed, weak or passive. This is my dead religion traded in for the strength and power of the pure religion found in Christ’s love. It is in times of operating in this love that I gain His strength, sustanence, rest found in strife; striving for His kingdom come. This is at its core an acceptance of who I am in Christ. It is through this understanding which facilitates healing; not only in a physical manifestation, but also within the hearts of the broken. This is humility, to know who you are, to live in understanding.

Lord help me in this battle for the broken hearts around me. Those who have physical ailments, would you heal them. Be strong in my weakness. Open my eyes, remove the hindrances that cause me to loose sight of your goodness. May my life operate out of your love through a greater understanding, a lifestyle of humbleness. Raise the warrior within me in boldness, full of your migh heart. Amen

What you fight

Then Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” But he said, “Why is it that you ask my name?” And there he blessed him. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.”
-Genesis 32:29-30

Jacob, having fought many men in the past wrestles with God one on one. This becomes a life altering moment in Jacob’s life as he is transformed into the father of nations, and receives a new name from God…the name Israel. Just reading Gods response when asked his name is quite profound; it speaks of, ‘you already know me’ and yet, ‘you do not know me yet’. Perhaps I read too much between the lines on this passage, but what amazes me is his encounter and the revelation given to Jacob. “I have seen him face to face and have been spared” speaks of the loving kindness and intimacy of God. Like a father wrestling with his son, seeing where his strength lies…always having the upper hand, yet using moments like this to build a man. How much more this must have spoken to Jacob, the “mama’s boy”, not the favorite of his father yet chosen by God.

What I choose to fight determines the man I will be. I need to get back to one on ones with God, allowing him to father me, to wrestle with him instead of avoiding him. I need to find a new name and remember what I am to be.

The grace of being

For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vein.
-1 Corinthians 15:9-10

Paul having committed great offenses towards God, still accesses the gift of grace that we all do as sons and daughters of royalty through Christ. Found unworthy and the least likely to even enter into the Kingdom, we see that Christ turns the table to bring His agenda of healing and grace to a twisted heart. In this Paul is able to stand on what he knows is true, and further more knowing the truth of God enabling him to make the profound statement: “I am what I am.”

I need to hold tightly to who I was created to be, not only holding on to my creation but my renewed person, fully accessing the grace given to me. If I do indeed step into the reality of grace, I like Paul make a statement of validity: “his grace toward me was not in vein.” I am what I am through the grace of God and there will be no change nor compromise to set me against this stance…though it is a choice I must make daily.

Lord, help me see what you see and help me to live in a reality of grace towards others. Give me confidence to know that I am what I am because of who you are.


Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcisms undertook to invoke the name of The Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I abjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.”

But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize but who are you?”
-Acts 19:13

The name of Jesus holds power and through it God does amazing stuff. Without the “Authority” behind it however we live lives of forged words and identities. Like a forged check; the money is there to back the “value” of the check. This check can even be cashed, but the money obtained is not truly then the holders…it is in that moment an act of theft. What matters is the authorization of the signature, the authority given to those who can truly access the riches of the account.

Does the signature of God rest upon our hearts? Every action (or non action) is signed by our hand through the way that we live…does God dwell there? To us as true sons and daughters in Christ we have access to a multitude of riches…how are we spending them (or neglecting to spend)? The big question stands before us…who are you?

Lord help me to find my identity and authority in you. May my peace be in your hand…and your writing on my heart.