Costa Rica Final Thoughts

I don’t want to forget)
To know true exhaustion, only to see God so powerfully move despite my times of emotional, physical, spiritual, and even mental weakness.
I do not want to forget the eyes of the children we ministered to, the stories of their hearts made evident in times of longing for something more.
The times spent talking with Levi…my does that kid have things to say, and with what honesty he asks his questions.
The trip on the catamaran, our tour guide Thomas with wisdom spoke: “To enjoy the most of this boat you must experience like a child.”
Surfing with Lauren, Marshall and Ryan.
Times talking with Ryan, “Reaching up.”
Debbie’s encouragement “You never know.”

This week God showed me)
If God has revealed this righteous character within me…what is hindering these prayers of a righteous man? While a good amount of my time is spent speaking with God, I lack times of intercession for others.
Love always hopes…while things could go better in certain situations, it is love that hopes for the best and will give the greatest effort.
Who I am, the completed work through the awesomeness of our Lord.
What family I have all around the world, and the wonderful Ohana awaiting our return.
What great love God gives, He gives such good things because He is good!

When I return home I want to)
Restructure my time: Assess how much time I truly have in a day, remove media fat from my “free time.”
Establish a prayer list, develop an application that does so on iOS.
Meet with Larry and Ryan more often.
Speak more often.
Wanting to get a Life Journal group started on Friday mornings.
Maintain a heart of sacrificial worship.
Pick up surfing again.
Work more with my hands on physical media.
Would like one person to know me…starting small…don’t know who just yet.

I am thankful for)
I am thankful for the life I have been given and the sense of destiny that God has revealed before me. I do not think that near death experiences have provided such a perspective, however…it is rather comforting to know what lies before me and that it is not my time.
I am thankful for the Lord’s strength when I was at my wit’s end.
I am especially thankful for the team that God knit together so well, surely I have not seen such a unified effort, as our hearts were stitched together with the great love of Christ.
I am also thankful to get to surf again, I have greatly missed the thrill of the waves.
Finally I am thankful for experiencing a place full of barriers only to see the love of God in Christ go past them all. There is no obstacle to the love of the Father.
Thank You Lord!

This week I have discovered)
I have what it takes, and I will always have what it takes regardless of what others see or do not see, what I feel or do not feel. The great power of Christ’s love resides within me and is my strength in weakness. I can look in the mirror without fear, and the road ahead with great expectancy of the goodness of God who is new every morning. That out of an overflow of my heart for God lies the secret to loving others and a certain woman that God will pour out His love…through me.

Changes I need to make in my life are)
The need to speak up more. Especially the need to share my weighty burdens with others. I have been carrying these “logs” for far too long.
An increase in my time of intercession for others and to know deep down that my prayers are made valid because I am the righteousness of God through Christ.
Taking up a life of increased discipline, working out in my faith regardless of onlookers, to exhaust myself of ordinance for the perspiration of holiness.
I need to stop worrying about how I am perceived by others. God will reveal my heart to those he chooses, for He will be my great defense.
Knowing all the more the need for humility and that humbleness does not always appear as such…An example would be Moses: It says that Moses was very humble (yet he wrote those words) those who rebuked him did not know his loneliness or the words he exchanged with God face to face. Again trusting God to be my defense.

Every day is a mission
The adventure has not ended, it will only continue
-Bryan Switalski

Costa Rica Day 14 “The Return Home”

July 13 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
Do nothing out of selfish ambition of vein conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
-Philipians 2:3

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act promoted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
-2 Thessalonians 1:11,12

“The Return Home ”

My thoughts on God’s words)
My reliance on the power of God and His strength in my weakness does not end with this trip. It will continue onward as “Everyday is a mission.” I must maintain a mission mindset and discipline in order to live out that which God has put in motion. This new plot of life requires boldness, humility and times of great weakness; but in Him I am completed, I am made whole. In Him I have the strength for every good purpose.

I heard God when)
This has been echoed in times past but now I understand the words at a greater depth…”Everyday is a mission.”

My words to God)
Lord I thank You for this wonderful journey and safe voyage home. I know You will always walk with me and that You have the best paths in mind. As I tire even now would Your perfect rest & peace fall on me and Your presence ever known to me. Help give me the strength and knowledge to make the adjustments here back home that Your glory and mighty work be continued amoung our hearts. Amen

Events of today)
Woke up at 2:15am this morning to ride our transport to the airport. We got checked in (TSA did not allow for my toenail clippers) Made our flight to Huston. From Huston we made a 3hr flight to LAX. When we landed we found that all was not as we had hoped for and our flight would be delayed for 3hrs. We tried to change flights but unsuccessfully so; though we changed flights three times we ended up riding on the same flight that we began with. So after additional team bonding through several hours of waiting, we boarded our final flight to Honolulu. We landed at 12:40ish and our church had come to the airport to welcome us home.
It’s good to be home.
-Bryan Switalski


Costa Rica Day 13

July 12 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
He must become greater; I must become less.
-John 3:30

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
-2 Corinthians 12:9-10

My thoughts on God’s words)
This entire trip has been made an example of this verse. Though my body and emotions are seemingly weaker than I would wish; the strength that the Lord provides is more than enough. The power of God shows up when I am weak, when I have no control, when I slip up and cannot grasp for solidarity, God shows up to save me. The Love of God is perfected in suffering.

I heard God when)
Riding back from the falls I heard him say: “I am with you, I am always with you, even when you slip and fall I am here to catch you.”

My words to God)
Lord I thank You for the life You have provided me. I thank You for the plans You have ahead of me. Thank You for Your strong arm of protection, to You I cry when I fall. Though the enemy might scheme against me I trust in You, I look to You, because You are my strength in time of need. I live to praise You Strong One mighty in wondrous power. Amen

Events of today)
Today we arrived at Bill and Debbie’s for breakfast. Bill made some awesome breakfast burritos. The we voyaged off into the jungle. Crossed a massive bridge, swam in the waterfall (almost died again today…long story) Bill had taken care of my damaged toes from the fall with Ryan’s knife. Swam in another waterfall. Prayed for healing of a man’s shoulder, it got healed (and I got to actually physically feel the healing happen as my hand was on the back of his shoulder *a first*) he was fully able then to raise his arm! Went to a wonderful service tonight and prayed for some of the people there.
-Bryan Switalski


Costa Rica Day 12

July 11 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
-Hebrews 13:15-16

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.
-1 Corinthians 2:4-5

My thoughts on God’s words)
My faith does not rely on the words of men. I do not place “wise” teachers on a pedestal. Rather the spirit of the one teaching is to be tested by the Spirit for the edification of the Holy Spirit’s work. This does not negate wise teaching for all true wisdom is a perfect gift from the Father. The prior verse echoes the words He has spoken to me on this trip “Share with others.”

I heard God when)
Our tour guide Thomas gave us these words: “How will you have the most fun on this boat?” several people gave answers but not the one he was looking for. A glimmer in his eye appeared and he spoke this wisdom: “You will have the most fun when you experience it like a child.”

My words to God)
Lord mold me more like a child for these next chapters in life. That I may trust you like a child. I may listen to your voice like a child, I may see adventure rather than task. Help me to truly appreciate your goodness in all it’s forms. I trust you Lord to be the captain of my heart, my deepest thoughts and feelings. Show me the way that I might walk in it. Amen

Events of today)
It was our free day today. We woke up early to go to breakfast then traveled by bus to the docks where we boarded a catamaran for a three hour tour across the pacific coast. It was fun. Our tour guide Thomas gave us the “English” version of the tour and gave us some of the history of Costa Rica. We saw some dolphins at one spot then went snorkeling across the the reef and saw many fish! Best snorkeling ever! After that our team decided to hit up the beach while me and a couple others went shopping. I got a wooden puzzle egg. We ate some texmex food then joined the others on the shore. Me and Levi had some fun in the water then swam deeper to join Lauren, Marshall, and Ryan for surfing 🙂 Had some dinner at B&D’s and afterward they told us the story of how they met.
-Bryan Switalski


Costa Rica Day 11

July 10 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
-Luke 6:27-31

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
-1 Corinthians 1:18

My thoughts on God’s words)
Already gearing my mind for the return home: I apprehend the struggles of facing those who stand against me. How do I take what I have learned here and apply the love I have been given to those who mistreat me or are a curse to my path in life? I suppose prayer is a good start.

I heard God when)
While washing the dye from the containers (part of that day’s lab experiment) I turned the faucet in the church kitchen. The water flow was really low pressured there and it took about two seconds for the water to come out. “Pure, clean, good things, will take time…Wait for the Lord.”

My words to God)
Lord I am thankful for this life you have given me. Help me to love those who hate me. To help those who harm me. To pray for those who plan against my life. I surrender my will to you. My pride to you. My entitlement to you. My being all to be you. Amen

Events of today)
In Cucal we had our last day of VBS. I ran the lab with Caleb again on the scientific subject of water. The Jonah skit went well for the most part…I was still very nervous and stuttered on my Spanish. Had a good day with God and a new viewpoint of myself. Got to present our waiter Jhonny with a thank you card written from our hearts (he’s a very good servant and I hope to see him in Hawaii) Visited an awesome restaurant for pseudo dinner. Got to buy a hat from a local coffee shop. Went to Bill and Debbie’s for ESL and dinner. Got to connect with Caleb more over music (I hope to see that guy again) Got to talk with Levi for awhile in the treehouse *highlight of my evening*
-Bryan Switalski


Costa Rica Day 10

July 9 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
-1 Peter 4:10-11

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
-Romans 1:16

My thoughts on God’s words)
Ones use of his or her gifts are accompanied with the awareness of the gifting but more so a divine awareness of the gift giver. The best operative of a holy gifting is the moment of weakness where you have nothing else but God’s strength. God is a provider and will equip His servants with every need that in everything we do: We worship the Lord through the grace of God to bring a holy and worthy worship before our king.

I heard God when)
No caffeine today he said, and I understand it as being a method against lies of doubt saying my attitude or strength is found in a mug of darjeeling. (postnote: I draw comfort from this very much so; God still showed up and the joy of the Lord was my strength despite my lack of “Cafe con Leche”)

My words to God)
Lord help me teach the kids tomorrow when I run the lab. Give me Your words and more importantly Your heart for these children. May You be glorified and praised by my actions, lips, mind, spirit, body, emotions. All to give You glory and be the light You have called of me. Amen

Events of today)
First VBS at Cucal, an impoverished town with kids full of wonderful energy, strength and vigor. “Rascals” as they are called. I was tired and not operating out of caffeine but in the Spirit of God. Doubt started to seep into my heart but I addressed it (and asked Larry to pray with me) before it had the chance to spring into despair. Laura (she leads the VBS) talked with me, we shared some of our similarities and realized we both celebrate holidays as orphans (postnote: as the reality sets in of living everyday as a missionary, I realized the amount of sacrifice God calls of us all as we obey his voice…for me, Laura, her daughter, and Andreas we do not have time with family…so even more is this a call on our lives to find our family within the body of Christ) Got to have more personal time with the kids by assisting with games. Afterward we ate lunch at the restaurant and left to the “Blue Banyon” resort near the rainforest where we saw many endangered species of monkey while getting snacked on by Mosquitos (first bites of the trip…yuck) The evening brought more ESL classes and Beef Stroganoff at B&D’s. Got to spend more solitude in their treehouse.
-Bryan Switalski


Costa Rica Day 09

July 8 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
-Ephesians 4:29

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is a slave or free.
-Ephesians 6:7,8

My thoughts on God’s words)
Larry was saying this evening that God is pleased of me. Many things like this have hit me sideways and my emotions toil within me. But as I am giving my heart completely, giving my all, the Lord fills and restores what was once stolen or lost within my soul.

I heard God when)
Ryan was speaking about “reaching up”. He gave the illustration of two mangos: one on the ground rotten and full of bees, and one found attached to the tree ripe healthy and good to eat. It is an exercise of energy spent to attain that which is holy and good. It is so easy to accept the “standard” the “easy” the “morally grey” but if our eyes are set on the things above, it becomes easier to notice the difference.

My words to God)
Lord I thank You for such a great day. Even though there was sorrow Your joy goes beyond all that. It is the strength that I cling to even when my strengths fade. All my life for Your glory Lord. May You be blessed in all we do here Lord Father. May Your heart be glad and full of joy as we worship You with everything. Amen

Events of today)
Lead kids church this morning with games, Simon says, red light green light, and making a rainbow with strands of beads. Was told three of the sisters there had lost their mom to cancer that morning and just found out at the end of service. This hit me sideways but God said to release the pent up emotions (I cried…and am tearing up while typing this as well). Went to Bill and Debbie’s church and sat with fellow missionaries. Before that we had lunch at B&D’s and I spent some solitude time in the treehouse praising God, asking for strength and praying for my spouse. After dinner we went to the youth/young adults at Bill and Debbie’s church. Ryan spoke, the worship was bilingual and we danced in worship together as one body at the end of the night. (what a blessing! I am assured I tasted a bit of heaven that night as we were all worshiping together)
-Bryan Switalski

Costa Rica Day 08

July 7 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
-Colossians 3:13

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
-Numbers 6:24-26

My thoughts on God’s words)
This echoes words of bear each others burdens. Sometimes lifting a burden causes contempt for another and seeds itself as un-forgiveness in the heart. But this fractures our being from the wholeness of God. God is a forgiving God, full of mercy and grace. The Lord blesses those who walk alongside His heart and His countenance is turned toward the righteous and reveals more grace to the gracious…and true peace can be found on torrential waters.

I heard God when)
I spoke with Ryan and shared some of my burdens. While tough he spoke truth. He spoke of a child holding a balloon and just waiting for the child to let it go. The balloon will always leave the hand of a child…the question is when. My heart must become like a child with a balloon. I must release the pain I have been given, let go of what preoccupies my hands so I may continue the work before me in the fullest.

My words to God)
Lord help me to find solitude this day. I need to recharge. Give me strength to fight the move of the enemy against me. I ask for new freedoms through Your Holy Spirit. Help me to release the burden I carry and forgive those who have become a burden to me. I ask for Your peace across torrential waters because I know You are with me. I ask that I would not rely on good ideas but rather Your will. If You choose, give me a word to speak to these people. Amen

Events of today)
After the near death experience the night prior I found myself without strength this day. I was Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually drained (I desperately need my solitude) Had a nightmare that night and emotions have been going haywire. Talked with Larry and Shanelle about specifics of what was going on. Day 6 of VBS and I was running the lab with Caleb. The experiments ran well and I shared with some of the groups my need for strength and who I cry out to. Also shared my personal story of my Dad and the day I was saved from the great waves at the beach. (postnote: hmm just noted the similarities to the drowning experience in the car, and at the beach, and the salvation of the Lord who comes close behind and holds on tight because of great love) The last group was very receptive. That night we visited the church in Cucal boating across the river to an impoverished town…but they were rich!!! Worship there was something I have missed dearly. Worshippers of heart.
-Bryan Switalski

Costa Rica Day 07

July 6 2012
God’s word for the Day)
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
-Romans 12:10

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
-Philippians 2:14

My thoughts on God’s words)
Aha moment: Love is a translator, without it Larry would just chatter off in even the most expressive way and become (without translation) just noise to the Costa Ricans. Better analogy: Love IS the language. No matter what barrier love is what communicates in the best way. We need to devote ourselves to this language if we want to speak it better. This takes time + discipline.

I heard God when)
Riding to the church in Punteranas I put together some things. These “Logs” I carry may be made of my burdens and I hold too many in my arms. These burdens are comprised of my own and others but I cannot hold on to them any longer (can’t drop them all either) God will provide those able to lift some weight off of my chest. So then my question is…just what are my burdens?

My words to God)
Lord I thank You for the life You have given me. I thank You for the plans You have for me (no matter how scary) I believe You hold me in Your hand and I trust Your directions…lead me wherever You wish. Help me speak and understand this language of love. Show me more of Your love for me that I may live out Your example before others. Amen

Events of today)
So almost drowned today (no joking matter) after inhaling much water on Ryan’s joke during catchphrase about the First President being black and how it was not recorded (you would have to have been there, Ryan is a master of awkward humor) Ryan/Jesus saved me that day. Me and Caleb ran our first lab sessions with the kids at the new VBS spot. Got to really give my best in worship with the kids. Visited the church in Puntaranas and was blessed to see Ryan and Jessica’s testimony before the congregation. Larry brought a word of “discipline vs performance” living. It was interesting to note that this was also what I was reading in my book (Disciplines of a Godly man). Found peace and encouragement in the books section titled “Relationships” speaking on purity.
-Bryan Switalski

Costa Rica Day 06

July 5 2012
God’s Word for the Day)
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
-Galatians 6:2

When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God Almighty.
-Jeremiah 15:16

My thoughts on God’s words)
It is hard for me to share weighty matters with even the kindest of people. Between being burned by people I trusted and being a cause of depression when I share it has been difficult to know what to do. It’s not that I do not wish to share but rather who I can share with. This results in even more loneliness on my part and it is not good. In order to fulfill the words of Christ and the great plans of God I must share.

I heard God when)
The ladies spoke to me tonight in confirmation of what I wrote earlier today in the field journal: the following questions were asked (How can I let the light of Jesus shine through me, so that others will learn to let their light shine also? “You are the light of the world…” Matthew 5:16) I wrote: I can do what I do do best in humility, further more to fully love others especially those on my team…not because they are my friends but because Jesus asks of it. The field guide also asked (What gifts do I feel God has given me?) in which I wrote: Understanding…especially in the field of electronics, Prophetic words and vision, Encouragement. The book finally asked (How can I use my gifts to bless the people I am with? “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17) and I answered: Speak up bub, talk to the people God wants to talk to. “Speak up Bub!” I need to release the words that God has put on my heart and speak of the wisdom that the Lord has provided in any situation. I no longer have the luxury of hindering speech because of fear. If God is with me I cannot succumb to the agenda of mankind or a “normal” mode of operation. I have been created different for a reason…And I am a man built for hard times.

My words to God)
Lord show me where I am not trusting You. Grow my trust in You. Call my heart closer to Your great love. Perhaps You have answered my question: Perhaps speaking with others and sharing my burden is where I do not trust You. Would You bring people of heart and understanding. Show me who I can speak with about weighty matters, empower me to die to myself today, comfort me with Your Holy Spirit. Amen

Events of today)
At 1:00am some of the team was still up and talking about the nights events (prophecy) And I started to open up and spoke about how I felt about what was spoken of me. We came to the conclusion that our circle of friends are nonexistent. It was the the last day of VBS with the Connecticut team and because of the night’s/morning’s events I was on 3hrs of sleep. We gave our all in the Jonah skit. And I ran the science lab for the first time. Was blessed to hear Caleb’s story. At the end of the day we headed over to a Thursday night service in Narajito. And played played catch phrase that night after uploading some of the trip footage.